Thursday, September 10, 2009

Out of Sight...Out of Heart?

"Out of sight, out of mind," sound possible...makes sense...rings true?  Well, think about it again.

The keywords here are "sight," "out," and "mind."  Isn't it funny how the word "heart" doesn't occur once in this overly used proverb?  I've heard it in at least three different languages, and I've also come across the same interpretation of it over and over again:  when a loved one disappears from a lover's vision, he or she is lost in the memories of the past, and is thus "out of mind."  Attached to the latter is the (false) assumption that when it does happen, the person in question becomes a memory and slowly even gets lost in that sea of oblivion...but is it really true?  

Well, in my opinion, if love was involved then it's the farthest from the truth.  How many times have we heard of lovers who longed for one another, or of a lover who lost his beloved yet longed for him/her more and more each day, even if they did not see each other at all? I know of a girl who didn't see her ex for three years; they had stopped talking completely, and yet every time his name came up she would burst into tears.  No matter how much I tried to console her, it just didn't work.  I even tried setting her up with numerous guys, but she wouldn't allow anyone to burst her bubble of nebulous dreams.  As a matter of fact, every single time a guy would approach her she would freak out, turn off her phone and make excuses to push him away.  So tell me, do you honestly think that he was "out of (her) mind"?  I don't think so!  And that's only one story...I for one heard of such cases more than a hundred times, and yet, it seems to me, that people still believe that when a lover is "out of sight," he or she becomes "out of mind."  Maybe "out of mind," but once the heart is replaced with the mind, deep, fruitful and intense love ceases to exist; and once logic and over-thinking take over, then yes, "out of sight, out of mind" rings true. If you've ever been in love, however, you will know that love is the most incredible–yet most illogical–feeling of them don't know why you're in love with that special someone...and sometimes that someone is definitely not your Mr. Right, but you still love him and would defy everyone and anything to be by his or her side. If true love is involved, then no matter how far away your loved one is, you will not–or you cannot–forget him or least that's what I think.  And even if you do...for a certain period...even if you meet someone else, that special love will always linger in the back of your head; as much as we all hate to admit that (we all like to convince ourselves that the past is gone, and yes, it is gone but the memory still remains), it is true.  Just look at yourself (if you've been in love, that is) or look at the people around you.  I can guarantee that when someone falls in love, no matter how far away the beloved is, he is never–and I mean never–"out of heart."

Think about that.

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