Thursday, September 10, 2009

In Response to Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera

“She felt an irresistible longing to begin life with him over again so that they could say what they had left unsaid and do everything right that they had done badly in the past.” (47)


            I came across this remarkable quotation as I was reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s Love in the Time of Cholera and have allowed myself to recommend it to everyone out there who takes pleasure in reading- it truly is a marvelous work of literary art.

            The splendid thing about novels or any type of literature in general, is that the reader can find a plethora of ways by which he/she can relate to the work. Whether it is an idea or a simple quotation that grasps our attention, it enables us to take a leap into our soul, allowing ourselves to explore the unknown, masked and long-forgotten mysteries and memories we have concealed within ourselves.  

            Now that I’ve managed to impose on you my immense love for the written form of expression, let me draw your attention once again to the quotation above.

Haven’t we all felt that way at one point in our lives- if not many more?  Just when we think we’ve done “the right thing” or we’ve finally terminated a love affair that has been occupying our hearts and souls for God knows how long, a simple word or an innocent glance from our beloved can captivate us and wrap us in an enchanting spell, filled with daring and contradicting thoughts and ideas.  In other words, it could turn our world upside down, forcing us to rethink everything, as well as filling us with the desire to turn back time- to be given a second chance to “make it right.”  

            Unfortunately, we usually get this feeling when it’s “too late,” at least according to our earthly measurements of time. 

We tend to conceal certain thoughts or feelings form one another for various and usually ridiculous reasons; maybe we fear it will allow our vulnerability to shine through, maybe we’re afraid of criticism, or maybe we’re just too damn stubborn to say the right thing at the time it is needed to be said.  

            I bet many of you who are reading my words are experiencing certain feelings of sadness and regret as the memories of those “lost moments” vigorously start to resurface.  But here’s the thing:  I “forced” these memories, which you’ve locked away for such a long time, out of you, because I wanted you to remember how much you miss that person you foolishly decided to hide your feelings from- and that is the foundation you need so you can courageously and boldly follow my advice:

            Come to think of it…there’s no such thing as a “too late” or a “lost moment.”  They only exist because we enrich them with imprudent and foolish actions throughout our lives until they are as vast as the western desert!  Then, we use them as an excuse for loosing our best friend, our boyfriend or any important person in our lives; we hear ourselves uttering words such as “if only” and “the moment was gone,” which, again, are not valid reasons.  In the world we live in, time has become an obsession, if not a strict doctrine or even as sacred as a religious belief, if I may say so- it has become a fatal disease!  

If you care enough about the person who’s floating around aimlessly in your ocean of thoughts (and clearly you do, since you’re feeling remorseful), then just click on the “delete” button and rid yourself of the “lost moments” that society has managed to embed in our brains.

            Take a risk!  It’s the point at which the rollercoaster called life flips you around 360 degrees, exhilarating and exciting, filling you to the brim with energy.  It’s that extra pinch of spice that makes an excelled tomato juice stand out.  

Pick up the phone!  Call your boyfriend/girlfriend, fiancée or husband/wife (or ex, if it’s gotten to that point), your friend, your mom, your sibling, your dad- whoever it is that has been a victim of this crime against love, creating an obstacle for it to flourish.  Tell them how much you care and how much you really love them, because you never know…you many never get another chance to say it!


                                                       It’s risky…I know…but isn’t love a risky business?

                                                            And if you don’t think that love is worth risking 

                                                            Your entire existence…then what is?


                                                                        Think about it…and don’t forget to call!

                                                                        Trust me, you won’t regret it!


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