Thursday, September 10, 2009

Little White Lies?

What is a “white lie”?  The common answer that will probably pop into everyone’s mind is “a lie that doesn’t intend to hurt anyone.  A lie that isn’t really a lie.”  But how can it not “really” be a lie?  Think about it…after all, it is  called a white lie!

I’m not claiming to be the epitome of honesty and truthfulness…after all, I’m only human, and so are you. Sometimes we choose to lie – and sometimes it just “happens” – when we’re scared of loosing or disappointing someone, not in the mood to get into a fight…and the list goes on.  

For those of you who claim to have never lied, I challenge you.  I’m sure that – at least once – you’ve told your parents that the reason you’re past your curfew is because “there was an accident on the bridge.”  Right?  Another example:  you’ve probably told your boss that the reason you’re late for work is because your car wouldn’t start or that you couldn’t find a parking space.  Then of course there are the relationship-related “white lies.”  Those are evident when a girl tells her boyfriend (about some guy they just ran into), “oh, he’s just a friend,” when – in fact – she had a major crush on him back in the day and he wasn’t “just a friend.”  Or the other scenario, “I’m going to be late at work, so I won’t be able to make it to the doctor’s appointment with you,” which could also mean “I’m going to the movies with my best friend.”  The list goes on and on…but you get my point.  So far, these white lies seem harmless…all they do is save you time, energy and many arguments, right?  Well…what if your significant other, mother, father, boss or best friend found out that you’re lying?  I don’t think they’re going to understand that it was a “little white lie.”  As a matter of fact (and yes, this is from experience), all hell will break loose!  

Then again, as I previously mentioned, we’re human, and it’s a natural reflex to want to get out of trouble.  But what happens when one of those little white lies turns into a big black one?  What if Mr. K (I just like using the letter K.) decides to come up with a few little white lies to captivate Ms. N (again, it’s just a random letter)?  Now, to go on with the scenario; K. produces white lie after white lie over a span of an entire year; of course, N. falls head over heels for K.  Before she knows it, poof!  The K. she fell for disappears.  Instead, she’s faced with an ugly, mean, selfish version of the incredible K, and – of course – she’s heartbroken.  

And that’s just one of the scenarios that take place every single day when we think it’s ok to lie.  Again, I know it happens, we’re all guilty of it, but all I’m asking you to do is to think twice before choosing to lie; you never know how deeply you might end up scarring someone who actually fell for your “white lies.”  

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