Thursday, September 10, 2009

Only God Can Judge Me

“If you don't know, then ask me. If you don't agree, then argue with me.

 If you don't like, then say it to me. But don't keep silent and judge me.”

The quote above is by an anonymous author—and yet most of you probably identify with it.  I never really understood why the first impressions are the lasting ones—because, honestly speaking, I couldn’t disagree more.  In the society we live in we’re constantly being judged—and unfortunately, the conclusions are usually based on superficial assumptions, superficial labels, and are thus…superficial!  If you’re a girl and you happen to be a smoker—you’re judged.  If you’re a guy who enjoys going to parties—you’re judged.  If you have a tattoo or a piercing of some sort—of course, you’re judged.  If you wear eccentric outfits or revealing clothes—you’re judged.  Voice your opinion?  You guessed it, you’re judged.  And I know that as some readers go through my lines—I’m being judged! 

Sure, you can start talking and expressing yourself until the outer, “judged” shell finally falls apart—but what if you’re not given the chance to shine?  What if the unfair people that make up the day-to-day jury that we encounter don’t even allow themselves a chance to see the true You?  Unfortunately, we all end up wearing masks—playing certain roles, performing on a stage in front of the critics, hoping to get the best possible review.  Come to think of it, it is really quite pathetic! 

I know about a handful of people who truly do not care what others think of them—well maybe they care about their partner’s opinion, or that of their parents, but other than that they don’t quite give a hoot!  Then, there’s the “they,” that make up the larger percentage of the cake—those who care too much about what “they” think of them and how “they,” the others, view them.  They act according to what society and the socialites demand—I’m not trying to start a revolution here, but all I’m hoping for is that when you come across my article, you will realize that it’s about time you stopped obsessing too much about what others think of you; whether you like it or not, regardless of how you behave or what you wear, you will still plead “guilty” in the eyes of the jury—but why?  Well, that’s an interesting and very important question to ask.  

There are actually more than a million reasons behind this constant judging.  First, there’s green-eyed envy—or jealousy if you prefer.  How many times has a gorgeous woman walked by without you (or a friend of yours) finding an almost invisible flaw such as her tight pants for example, only to label her a tramp?  Admit it—you’re jealous.  And it’s ok—but channel that feeling towards something positive—like working out or dieting, for example—this way you’ll get that to-die-for figure of hers—there’s no need to start labeling others because of your insecurities.  Secondly, there’s the inferiority complex.  For some, it is quite a challenge to feel good about themselves—and without admitting that they have a problem, they suffer from a constant feeling that “he/she’s better than me, so I have to find a way to put them down,” and what better way to do so than to judge them—gracing them with a negative label, that is.  

I can go on forever when it comes to why we judge others and vice versa—but is it really necessary?  I vote “not necessary,” at all!  So remember, if you’re one of those who wouldn’t dare wear an outfit twice because of what your friends might say—snap out of it—if they can’t appreciate and love you for who you are then there’s not that great of friends to begin with—even if you wear the same pair of jeans two days in a row!  On the other hand, if you’re blessed with indifference with respect to the 24/7-awake jury, then congratulations—you’ve managed to jump off the stage, throw away your mask and walk out of the dark theater, into the bright daylight.  

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